ByteVibes | Jill St. John


Jill St. John

Learn about Jill St. John Net Worth, Biography, Age, Birthday, Height, Early Life, Family, Dating, Partner, Wiki and Facts.

Who is Jill St. John:

Jill St. John is a famous Movie Actress. She was born on August 19, 1940 and her birthplace is Los Angeles, CA. Jill is also well known as, Starred as Bond girl Tiffany Case in the 1971 film Diamonds Are Forever. She received a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress for her role in the 1963 comedy Come Blow Your Horn and also played leading roles in such 1960s films as The Lost World, The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone and Tony Rome.

EzoicJill is originated from United States. She co-starred with Sean Connery in Diamonds are Forever.


Bio / Wiki
Full NameJill St. John
Date of BirthAugust 19, 1940
Place of BirthLos Angeles, CA
Star SignLeo
CountryUnited States

Birthday, Age & Zodiac Sign:

EzoicJill St. John birthday is on 19-Aug-40 and she was born on Monday. She is now 83 years old. Jill sun sign is Leo and her birth flower is Gladiolus.

Birth date19-Aug
Day of BirthMonday
Year of Birth1940
Birth SignLeo
Birth Sign DualityAssertive
Birth Sign Modality & ElementFixed Fire
Opposite SignAquarius

Height, Weight & Physical Stats:

EzoicJill St. John is 5 feet 6 inches tall.

Height1.68 m ( 5′ 6″ )
Bust – Waist – HipN/A
Hair ColorN/A
Eye ColorN/A
Shoe SizeN/A

Early Life and Family:

EzoicBefore she was famous, Growing up in Los Angeles, she was a member of the Children’s Ballet Company alongside fellow future actresses Natalie Wood and Stefanie Powers. Her relationship status is married. She is married to Robert Wagner.

Family Information
Parents Name
Spouse NameRobert Wagner,
Jack Jones (singer),
Lance Reventlow
Children Name
Number of Children(s)N/A
Partner NameN/A
Relative(s) Name



Jill St. John Net Worth:

Jill St. John net worth or net income is estimated to be $10 Million dollars. She has made such amount of wealth from her primary career as Movie Actress.

Net Worth$10 Million
Annual SalaryN/A
Source of IncomeMovie Actress
Verification Status of WealthVerified

Dead or Alive?

According to wikipedia latest update, she is still alive.

Quick Facts:

Here are some interesting facts about Jill St. John:

* She made her television debut in the 1948 TV short A Christmas Carol at age eleven.

* Jill St. John is an American actress.
* Her birth name is “Jill Arlyn Oppenheim”.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Why is Jill St. John famous?She is famous for being a successful Actress.Where is she from?She is from United States.How tall is she?Her height is 5′ 6″How much does she earn?$10 Million.Is she married?Married.How many children(s) does she have?N/A.

Reference : Wiki, StarsNetworths, Newspapers.


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-03-11