
Fame | Juan Marichal net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Juan Marichal? When is Juan Marichal's birthday? Where is Juan Marichal born? Where did Juan Marichal grow up from? What's Juan Marichal's age?

Juan Marichal Born: 1937 (age 86years), Laguna Verde, Dominican Republic

Is Juan Marichal married? When did Juan Marichal get married? Who's Juan Marichal's married to? (Who's Juan Marichal's husband / wife)?

Juan Marichal Spouse: Alma Rosa Carvajal (m. 1962)

How about Juan Marichal's parents?

Juan Marichal Parents: Francisco Marichal, Natividad Marichal

How about Juan Marichal's earn_run_averag?

Juan Marichal Earn_run_averag: 2.89

How about Juan Marichal's nationality?

Juan Marichal Nationality: Dominican

How about Juan Marichal's number?

Juan Marichal Number: 27 (San Francisco Giants / Pitcher)

How about Juan Marichal's inducted date?

Juan Marichal Inducted date: 1983

What was Juan Marichal famous for?

He finished his career with 243 victories, 142 losses, 244 complete games, 2,303 strikeouts and a 2.89 ERA over 3,507 innings pitched.

What happened to Juan Marichal?

He finished his career with 243 victories, 142 losses, 244 complete games, 2,303 strikeouts and a 2.89 ERA over 3,507 innings pitched.

Did Juan Marichal ever pitch for the Dodgers?

He finished his career with 243 victories, 142 losses, 244 complete games, 2,303 strikeouts and a 2.89 ERA over 3,507 innings pitched.

How many complete games did Juan Marichal throw?

He finished his career with 243 victories, 142 losses, 244 complete games, 2,303 strikeouts and a 2.89 ERA over 3,507 innings pitched.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-10-06