MIKE JUDGE: We are being gagged: The right to speak freely is being undermined by those who should b
We are being gagged: The right to speak freely is being undermined by those who should be protecting it
Common sense has, for once, prevailed. The criminal case – yes, criminal case – against a Christian couple, Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang, has been dismissed.
Hopefully, the Vogelenzangs can get on with their lives and start to rebuild their hotel business – a business that has almost been destroyed because of the allegations against them.
Thanks to the donations of thousands of Christians, The Christian Institute was able to pay for Mr and Mrs Vogelenzang’s legal defence. We did so because it was a significant case of free speech, not just for Christians, but for every person’s right to question someone else’s beliefs.
Hoteliers Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang were accused of insulting a muslim convert at their hotel in Aintree
Now that the case is over I hope the nation will ask itself: What’s happening to free speech?
How on earth did a breakfast discussion about religion end up with two Christians sitting in the dock at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court? Big questions need to be asked of the police and the CPS.
But we need to ask wider questions, too, about the direction free speech is taking.
It seems we have become hypersensitive on a range of subjects. We roll our eyes and shake our heads at the ‘political correctness’ of it all.
But it gets much more serious when the police appear to be acting on this hypersensitivity and investigating incidents that ought to be nowhere near the criminal law.
When Anne Robinson made an ‘anti-Welsh’ joke on a BBC TV show, four police officers spent 96 hours and £4,000 of public money investigating it. Would the same have happened if a Welshman had made a joke about the English? Of course not.
Earlier this year, Christian grandmother Pauline Howe was investigated by two police
officers because she wrote a letter of complaint to her local council expressing her disapproval of a gay parade in her home town.
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ShareThe police knew she had committed no crime, but sent round two officers anyway.
I don’t blame the ordinary bobby on the street. Most are decent, hardworking public servants who put themselves in harm’s way to keep us safe.
But I do blame the endless stream of equality and diversity policies that have been passed by the Government and embraced so enthusiastically by police chiefs anxious to appear in tune with fashionable thinking.
If freedom of speech means anything at all, it must mean the freedom to say something that someone else may not like. Otherwise all we are left with is the freedom to be inoffensive – and that kind of freedom is not worthy of the name.
Nor does the overtly Godless nature of our Government help matters. Yesterday, the Archbishop of Canterbury accused Labour of treating religious believers as ‘oddities’ and ‘eccentric’.
I agree with him when he says that this is an attitude that has ‘denormalised faith and intensified the perception that faith is not a part of our bloodstream. And you know, in great swathes of the country that’s how it is’.
I’m a Christian who speaks out on issues such as abortion, sexual ethics, marriage, gambling and a bunch of other controversial topics. I’m fully aware that some people may not agree with my opinions.
Some of those people may be deeply offended by my views – just as I am sometimes deeply offended by the views of others.
But that’s part and parcel of living in a free and open society where we are free to speak, free to question and free to listen to each other.
The definition of ‘hate’ is alarmingly elasticIt also includes the freedom to argue back and protest against things we don’t agree with. That’s the cut and thrust of a democracy.
How can we make things better? Well, we could start with re-examining the public order laws under which Mr and Mrs Vogelenzang were charged with using ‘threatening, abusive or insulting words’, that were ‘religiously aggravated’.
Everyone now knows about the Vogelenzangs but at The Christian Institute we deal with many other cases. Indeed, over the past year, we have dealt with approximately 170 separate incidents where Christians have had their liberty infringed, only a fraction of which ever make headlines.
We might also consider redefining so-called ‘hate crimes’ and ‘hate incidents’.
The definition of ‘hate’ is alarmingly elastic.
No genuine Christian should harbour hatred in their hearts, much less spew hatred out of their mouths.
But when public authorities start to confuse disagreement on a controversial issue with hatred, then the liberty of us all is in peril.
The Association of Chief Police Officers worryingly defines a hate incident like this: ‘Any incident, which may or may not constitute a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hate.’
Police officers investigate and record such incidents, even though no crime has been committed.
Well, perception is a very subjective thing. In the Vogelenzangs case, the Muslim lady who complained perceived the Christian couple’s comments as threatening and abusive.
The Vogelenzangs perceived they were simply expressing their opinion about Islam.
In ACPO’s definition of a hate incident, the complainant’s view is king. Surely this subjective definition needs dramatically rewriting.
This definition of a hate crime or hate incident, together with the misapplication of public order laws, has been the cause of several worrying cases of police officers detaining citizens for expressing their opinions in a public place.
This situation was brought home to me when a friend of mine, Julian Hurst, told me what happened to him when he was handing out leaflets inviting people to a church Easter service.
Julian is a church worker in the Manchester area. He told me that he had been challenged by five police officers and his literature had been investigated by the Hate Crimes Unit because someone had complained to the police that the leaflet was offensive.
It turned out that a complainant merely objected to the presence of evangelical Christians dishing out leaflets, but this was after the police had swooped on Julian. It is the knee-jerk reaction of the police that concerns me.
People are understandably frustrated when they perceive that other minorities are being treated more sensitively. They wonder why a Christian couple are charged with a crime when they criticise Islam during a debate over breakfast, while officers stand by watching extremist Muslims hold up placards at protests calling for their opponents to be beheaded.
I’m concerned about everyone’s free speech because that’s the way each of us protects our own. But naturally, as a Christian, I am especially concerned when I see Christians being treated more harshly than others.
Never have there been more ‘equality and diversity’ laws. Yet the marginalisation faced by Christians is increasing at an alarming rate. In many instances equality and diversity laws are being used as a sword to attack, rather than a shield to protect – and Christians are most likely to be on the receiving end.
When it comes to applying equality and diversity laws, Christians seem to be the first to be punished and the last to be protected.
Thankfully, in Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang’s case, common sense has for once prevailed.